21st Century Legal Career Series Volume 18
Focus: What This Booklet Is About
Non-Traditional Family Demographics and Definitions
Traditional Practice “Tweaked”
Why Is Non-Traditional Family Law Attractive?
The Employer Universe
JD-Advantage Job Opportunities
Positioning and Marketing Yourself
What Does It Pay?
Advance Notice of Non-Traditional Family Law Opportunities
Volume 18, Non-Traditional Family Law: Serving the “New Normal,” examines the dramatic changes family law practice —the definition of which now encompasses a wide range of domestic arrangements —has undergone. In the past 30 years, rapidly changing social norms and dramatic technological advances have revolutionized family law. As more attorneys enter the field and the practice becomes more complex, demand increases for lawyers with greater family law expertise.
It is the nature of the family served by the law—and the opportunity it presents in terms of millions of potential new clients requiring family law services—more than the nature of the practice itself (although there are certainly elements of that), which has changed.
Non -Traditional Family Law practice is dynamic. The issues are wide-ranging and cutting-edge. There is much yet to be resolved concerning matters such as shared parenting agreements, second parent adoptions, international adoptions, third-party assisted reproduction, same sex divorce, employee benefits, and other issues.
In this volume, Hermann illuminates a field, which offers law graduates a vibrant practice option comprising new legal frontiers while retaining its primary focus on domestic relations matters. Buy the print edition at the NALP bookstore or the electronic version .