21st Century Legal Career Series Volume 8
Focus: What is This Booklet All About?
What is a Digital Asset?
Digital Assets Practice—Estate Planning & Fiduciary Considerations
Digital Assets Practice—Small Business Succession Planning
Digital Assets Practice—Mergers and Acquisitions
Why is Digital Assets Practice So Hot?
Who Hires?
Breaking into Digital Assets Practice
Finding Out About Digital Asset Law Jobs Before Everyone Else
The march of technology has created a vast storehouse of individual and corporate digital assets. Until very recently, these were not included in people’s estate plans. But since estate plans are designed to pass assets to one’s heirs, digital assets are becoming increasingly important factors in estate planning.
Business owners and individuals must now be concerned with what will happen to their digital assets once they pass from the scene. In addition to emotional value (e.g., family photos, letters/emails preserved in an electronic format), digital assets have come to have considerable monetary value as well. Take online bank accounts for example. If these are not included in estate plans, survivors may not be able to access them.
Examine how Digital Assets Practice could be a ground-floor opportunity in Volume 8 of the 21st Century Legal Career Series, Digital Assets Practice: Three New Practice. Buy the print edition at the NALP bookstore or the electronic version at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B071F5XDB1.
Digital Assets Practice Keeps Expanding (Update June 2019)