The final part of this Job/Career Self-Assessment Exercise poses Specific Job/Career Questions. Once you have responded to all three components of this exercise, you should have a fairly well-defined direction that prepares you for your actual job search or career change.
Specific Job/Career Questions
Where and for whom do I want to work?
- Private Sector
- Law Firm
- Large, Midsize or Small
- General Practice or Boutique
- My Own Solo Practice
- For-Profit Corporation
- Fortune 1,000, Smaller or Startup
- Publicly-Traded v. Closely-Held
- Type of Industry
- Domestic v. Multinational
- Non-Profit Corporation
- College/University
- Hospital
- Museum
- Foundation
- Public Interest/Advocacy Organization
- Trade or Professional Association
- Labor Union
- Other
- Consulting Firm
- Other Organization
- Law Firm
- Public Sector
- Federal, State or Local Government
- Special Purpose District (e.g., airport authority, utility district, etc.)
- Public-Private Partnership
- Government Sponsored Enterprise (e.g., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Home Loan
- Banks, Farm Credit Banks, Farmer Mac)
- Self Regulatory Organization (e.g., FINRA), Stock Exchange, Public Company Accounting
- Oversight Board)
- International Organization (e.g., UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Pan
- American Health Organization, World Trade Organization, World Intellectual Property
- Organization)
What kind of “trends analyses” do I have to do?
- Industry
- Type of employer
- Type of position
- Other
What job-affecting circumstances beyond my control do I need to be concerned about?
- Economic Uncertainties, e.g.,
- Interest rate fluctuations
- Energy prices
- Takeover risks
- Potential industry or employer collapse (viz. Lehman Brothers)
- Unsustainable public debt
- Legislative/Regulatory uncertainties
- Globalization
- Outsourcing potential
- International competition
- Technology impact
Whom do I need to talk to?
- Law school career office
- Professors
- Industry
- Industry consultants
- Trade and professional associations
- School alumni/ae
- Employer/industry alumni/ae
- Others
What do I need to ask or say to these people?
Who will be my references?
When do I need to initiate contact with my references?
Who are my networking contacts?
Who are my contacts’ possible contacts?
Am I executive search/“headhunter” material?
- If yes, which headhunters should I approach?
- Legal
- Executive Search
- Industry
- Other
Should I pursue supplemental credentials?
- Other degree program
- Certificate or comparable program
If yes, what specific credentials make sense?